Hawaii Vacation Guide

for families with kids

Choosing the right Hawaiian island for a family trip can be exciting but a little tricky too, especially if you've got kids of different ages. Each island has something special to offer. Here's a guide to help you pick the best island for your family's vacation.


Good for: Families looking for lots of activities and easier travel.

Activities: Surfing, shopping, Pearl Harbor, and historical sites.

Kid-Friendly: Lots of family-friendly beaches and the Honolulu Zoo.


Good for: Families who like outdoor adventures but also some tourist amenities.

Activities: Snorkeling, Road to Hana, and whale-watching.

Kid-Friendly: The Maui Ocean Center is great for kids interested in marine life.

Big Island (Hawaii)

Good for: Adventure-loving families.

Activities: Volcanoes National Park, black sand beaches, and stargazing.

Kid-Friendly: Volcano tours can be super exciting for older kids.


Good for: Families who love nature and quieter surroundings.

Activities: Hiking, waterfalls, and boat tours.

Kid-Friendly: Great beaches for sandcastles and shallow waters for younger kids.

Common Concerns

Budget: Oahu and Maui tend to have more options that might fit different budgets. Kauai and the Big Island can be a bit pricier.

Travel Time: If you're traveling from far away, you might want to stick to just one island to cut down on travel time between islands.

Things to Consider

Ages: If you have teens who love adventure, the Big Island or Kauai could be fun. For younger kids, Oahu and Maui offer more activities.

Interests: Think about what your family likes to do. Love history? Oahu has a lot. Love nature? Consider Kauai.

Length of Stay: If you're staying for more than a week, you might be able to visit more than one island.

Extra Tips

Check Deals: Look for family packages that offer discounts for kids.

Ask the Kids: Let the kids have a say. They'll be more excited if they help pick the island.

By considering what each island has to offer and what your family enjoys, you can pick the perfect Hawaiian island for your vacation. Now all that's left is to have fun!

Planning a family vacation to Hawaii is super exciting, but figuring out how much money you'll need can be a big deal. Especially when you have kids of different ages, each with their own likes and dislikes. Here's how to plan a budget that works for everyone:

Basics Costs

Flights: This is usually one of the biggest costs. Remember, tickets for kids might be a bit cheaper but not by much.

Accommodation: Hotels can be pricey in Hawaii. Consider vacation rentals or family-friendly resorts with kitchen facilities to save money.


Eating Out: Hawaii can be expensive for dining. Think about where you'll eat and how often.

Groceries: If you have a kitchen, you can save by cooking some meals yourself.


Paid Activities: Things like snorkeling tours, luaus, or theme parks will have a cost. Plan which ones you'll do.

Free Activities: Beaches are free, and hiking usually is too. Make sure to add some of these to your plans.


Rental Car: If you want to explore, you might need a car. Check prices ahead of time.

Public Transport: Buses are usually cheaper but might not be convenient with kids.

Common Concerns

Unexpected Costs: Sometimes things cost more than you think. Maybe set aside some extra money just in case.

Kid Preferences: Older kids might want to do more expensive activities like zip-lining, while younger ones are happy with the beach.

Special Extras

Souvenirs: Kids might want mementos. Decide how much you'll spend on things like T-shirts or toys.

Snacks and Treats: Ice cream, special drinks, or snacks can add up. Plan a little extra for this.

Tips to Save Money

Early Bookings: Sometimes booking flights or activities early can save you money.

Family Deals: Look for family packages or group discounts.

Planning Tips

List: Make a list of all the things you want to do and how much they cost. Add it all up.

Prioritize: Maybe you can't do everything. Pick the most important things for your family.

Extra Tips

Daily Limit: Think about setting a daily spending limit to keep your budget on track.

Kid Choices: Give older kids a small budget for them to choose their own souvenir or activity. It helps them learn about money and makes the trip more fun for them.

Remember, a vacation is about having fun together as a family. You don't have to do everything. Pick what makes the most sense for your family and your budget, and then enjoy your time in Hawaii!

Deciding how long to stay in Hawaii for a family vacation can be a bit of a puzzle, especially if you've got kids of different ages. From toddlers to teenagers, everyone's needs and wants can be different. Here's how to figure out the best length for your trip:

Short Trip (3-5 Days)

Pros: Less time off work or school, lower costs.

Cons: Limited activities, jet lag might be tough.

Best For: Families on a budget or those who can't take much time off.

Medium Trip (6-10 Days)

Pros: Enough time to relax and explore one or two islands.

Cons: Costs can add up, but you get more out of your trip.

Best For: Families who want a balance of activities and relaxation.

Long Trip (11+ Days)

Pros: Can explore multiple islands, more time to relax.

Cons: Higher costs, may need more planning.

Best For: Families who really want to dive into the Hawaiian experience.

Common Concerns

Kids' Attention Span: Younger kids might get restless on longer trips, while older kids might enjoy more time for adventures.

School and Work: Think about school schedules or work commitments when planning the length of your trip.

Questions to Ask

What's Important?: What activities are a must-do for your family? The more you want to do, the longer you'll need.

Travel Time: If you're coming from far away, a longer trip might make the long flight more worthwhile.

Budget: The longer you stay, the more you'll spend. Can you afford to stay longer?


Flexible Plans: If possible, have a couple of "free days" without plans. That way, you can decide what to do based on how everyone is feeling.

Rest Days: Especially with kids, having days with no plans can be good. Use these days to relax on the beach or take it easy.

Extra Thoughts

Island Hopping: If you're thinking about visiting more than one island, you'll need extra time for that.

Individual Needs: Consider the ages and interests of your kids. Teenagers might enjoy more days filled with activities, while younger kids might need more downtime.

Remember, the goal is to come back from your vacation feeling happy and refreshed, not like you need another vacation to recover. Think about what your family enjoys and plan a trip length that lets you have the best of Hawaii without feeling rushed or tired.

Choosing the best time to visit Hawaii for a family vacation is a big deal, especially if you have kids of different ages. You have to think about weather, crowds, and, of course, school schedules. Here's how to pick the right time for your trip:


Summer (June-August): Hot and sunny, great for beach days.

Winter (December-February): A bit cooler, and you might see some rain. Good for whale watching.

School Breaks

Summer Vacation: No school, so it's easier to plan. But flights and hotels can be more expensive.

Winter Break: A popular time to go, especially to escape cold weather at home. Prices may be higher.

Spring/Fall Break: Fewer crowds and often cheaper prices, but you'll have less time for your trip.

Special Events

Festivals: Hawaii has lots of cool events like the Aloha Festivals or the Merrie Monarch Hula Festival. But these can also mean more crowds.

Common Concerns

Crowds: Hawaii is popular. If you go during peak times like Christmas or summer, expect more people.

Budget: Going during the off-season (like late spring or early fall) can save you money.

Questions to Ask

What's Most Important?: Is it beach time, cultural events, or maybe seeing whales? That might help you decide when to go.

How's the Weather?: Young kids or older family members might be sensitive to very hot or rainy weather.

School Work: If your kids are in school, think about tests or big projects that might be due around the time of your trip.

Extra Tips

Book Early: Especially if you're going during popular times, book your flights and hotel well in advance.

Flexible Dates: If you can be a bit flexible with your dates, you might find better deals on flights or hotels.

Special Needs for Different Ages

Young Kids: If you have little ones, you might want to avoid times when the surf is at its strongest, like mid-winter.

Teenagers: If you've got teens, they might enjoy the vibe of Hawaii's summer months, with lots of activities and people their age.

Remember, the best time to go to Hawaii is when it works for your family. Think about what you all like to do, how much you want to spend, and what makes the most sense with your schedules. Then, get ready to enjoy paradise!

Taking time off from work and school for a family vacation to Hawaii is super exciting! But it can also be tricky when you've got kids of different ages and adults with jobs. Here's how to make it easier:

Work Schedule

Plan Ahead: The earlier you request time off, the better your chances are of getting the days you want.

Talk to Boss/Coworkers: Let them know your plans so you can figure out who'll handle your tasks while you're gone.

School Schedule

Check the Calendar: Look at the school calendar to see when breaks and holidays happen. This can be a good time to plan your trip.

Talk to Teachers: Especially for older kids, check if they'll have tests or big projects due when you plan to be away.

Family Needs

Everyone's Schedule: Try to find a time that works for everyone. Consider work, school, and other things like sports or hobbies.

Common Concerns

Missed School: It's easier for younger kids to miss a few days than for older kids who have more serious studies.

Work Deadlines: Make sure you won't be gone during important work projects or busy seasons.


Use Weekends: Start or end your trip on a weekend to stretch your vacation time.

Use Holidays: Plan your trip around public holidays to get extra days without taking time off.

Extra Planning

Homework Packets: If kids will miss school, ask teachers for homework packets in advance.

Work from Hawaii?: If your job lets you work remotely, maybe extend your trip and work part-time from Hawaii.

More Things to Consider

Flexibility: If you can be a bit flexible with your dates, you'll have a better chance of getting time off and maybe even find better travel deals.

Backup Plan: Have a plan for who will handle emergencies at home, like a broken pipe or a pet getting sick.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: Check if their preschool or daycare has special policies about taking time off.

Teens: Make sure they know they're responsible for any missed work or assignments at school.

Taking time off for a vacation needs some planning, but it's totally worth it. Talk to everyone involved, plan ahead, and try to be flexible. Then, all that's left is to have a great time in Hawaii!

Planning activities for a Hawaii family vacation is like building your own adventure! But it can be a little challenging if you've got kids of different ages. Here's how to pick things that everyone will enjoy.

Beach Time

Young Kids: Look for beaches with calm waters and lots of sand for playing.

Older Kids: Maybe try beaches with good waves for boogie boarding or beginner surfing.

Adventure Activities

Hiking: Pick trails that are good for all ages. Some are stroller-friendly for little ones.

Snorkeling: Older kids might love snorkeling, but make sure to have floaties or life vests for the younger ones.

Cultural Activities

Luaus: These are fun for all ages. Music, dancing, and great food!

Historical Sites: Older kids might enjoy learning about Hawaii's history, while younger ones will like exploring.

Animal Encounters

Aquariums and Zoos: Good for all ages, and you can usually find some shade for hot days.

Whale Watching: Best for older kids who can handle a boat ride.

Common Concerns

Safety: Always think about the safety of activities for younger kids.

Interest Level: Make sure activities are fun for everyone, not just one age group.

Questions to Ask

What Does Everyone Want?: Have a family meeting and ask everyone what they're most excited to do.

How Tiring Is It?: Make sure activities aren't too hard for younger kids or too boring for older ones.

Extra Tips

Rest Days: Don't plan something for every single day. It's a vacation, not a marathon!

Kid Choices: Maybe let each kid pick one activity they really want to do.

Budget Tips

Free Fun: Beaches are free, and so are many hiking trails.

Discounts: Look for family packages or group rates for more expensive activities.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Teenagers: Think about activities that give them some independence, like a teen surf lesson.

Young Kids: Consider their nap times when planning your day.

Remember, the most important thing is spending time together as a family. Even simple things like building a sandcastle can be super fun if you're all doing it together. So think about what everyone likes, plan a mix of activities, and get ready for an awesome time in Hawaii!

Booking popular activities in advance for your Hawaii family vacation is really smart. This way, you won't miss out on the fun stuff you all want to do. Here's how to make sure you've got it all set before you go.

Research First

Read Reviews: Websites like TripAdvisor can give you an idea of what activities are a hit with families.

Ask Friends: If you know anyone who's been to Hawaii, ask for their recommendations.

What to Book

Luaus: These get booked up fast, especially the popular ones.

Water Activities: Things like snorkel tours, dolphin swims, and surf lessons are often booked quickly.

Tours: Helicopter tours, boat rides, or island-hopping adventures need to be booked in advance.

How to Book

Online: Many activities can be booked online. Make sure you get a confirmation.

Phone: Some places might require a phone call, especially for large family groups.

Common Concerns

Cancellation Policies: Check what happens if you need to cancel. Is your money refunded?

Age Limits: Some activities have age requirements, so check that everyone in the family can participate.

Questions to Ask

Is it Kid-Friendly?: Make sure the activity is suitable for kids of all ages.

What's Included?: Some activities might include things like meals, equipment, or transportation.

Extra Tips

Time Zones: Remember Hawaii might be in a different time zone when you're booking things by phone.

Discounts: Sometimes you can get a family rate or other discounts, so always ask.


Upfront Costs: Booking in advance means you'll pay for some activities before your trip. Make sure this fits your budget.

Package Deals: Some places offer package deals if you book multiple activities at once.

Special Tips for Different Ages

For Young Kids: Consider booking activities for the morning when little ones are usually more active.

For Teens: Let them be part of the planning. They can even have a say in an activity the family will do.


Double-Check: Before you leave for your trip, double-check all your bookings. Make sure you know where to go, what time to be there, and what to bring.

Planning and booking in advance can seem like a lot of work, but it pays off. This way, you'll be sure to enjoy all the fun activities you want to do as a family. So do your research, make those bookings, and then get excited for all the fun you'll have in Hawaii!

Getting around Hawaii with your family needs some thinking ahead, especially if you've got kids of different ages. Whether you're going from the airport to the hotel or exploring the islands, here's how to plan your transportation.

Airport to Hotel

Shuttle Services: Some hotels offer shuttles. Good if you have a lot of bags and kids.

Taxis or Ride-Shares: Quicker but can get expensive, especially for a big family.

Rental Cars: If you plan to explore a lot, renting a car for the trip could be a good idea.

Getting Around the Island

Public Transit: Buses are an option, but maybe not the best if you have very young kids or lots of gear.

Tours: Some activities include transportation. This is super convenient.

Renting a Car: Gives you the most freedom, but make sure to book in advance.

Common Concerns

Car Seats: If you have young kids, you'll need car seats. Some rental companies offer them, but they can cost extra.

Size of Vehicle: Make sure the vehicle fits everyone and everything comfortably.

Questions to Ask

What's Easiest for the Family?: Each type of transportation has pros and cons. Pick what works best for your family's needs.

How Much Will it Cost?: Add up costs for taxis, buses, and rentals to see what fits your budget.

Extra Tips

Maps and Apps: Have maps or GPS on your phone to help find your way around.

Snacks and Drinks: Always pack some snacks and drinks for the journey, especially with kids.


Plan Ahead: Knowing your transportation costs before you go helps you plan your budget better.

Daily Limits: If using taxis or ride-shares, set a daily spending limit so costs don't get out of hand.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: Think about nap times when planning travel times. You don't want a cranky toddler in a car.

Teens: They might enjoy some independence. Maybe let them explore a safe area or take a local bus to a popular spot.

Safety First

Seat Belts and Car Seats: Always make safety a priority, no matter what type of transportation you choose.

By planning your transportation in advance, you can make sure that getting from one fun activity to the next is as stress-free as possible. Consider your family's needs, your budget, and what will make the trip most enjoyable for everyone. Then, you can focus on having a great time exploring all that Hawaii has to offer!

Finding good deals for a Hawaii vacation can make the trip more fun because you'll have more money for activities and treats! With kids of different ages, you need to look for deals that suit everyone. Here's how:

Where to Look

Travel Websites: Websites like Expedia or Kayak sometimes have package deals that include flights, hotels, and even activities.

Directly from Airlines or Hotels: Sometimes booking directly can get you special deals or extras like free breakfast.

Local Tour Companies: They often offer family packages for activities like snorkeling or boat tours.

Types of Deals

All-Inclusive Packages: These cover everything—flights, hotel, meals, and activities. Good for hassle-free planning.

Flight and Hotel Bundles: You book your flight and hotel together and save some money.

Activity Packages: These combine different activities at a lower price.

Common Concerns

Read the Fine Print: Make sure you understand what's included and what's not. Sometimes taxes or fees are extra.

Age Restrictions: Make sure the activities in any package are suitable for your kids' ages.

Questions to Ask

What's Included?: Meals? Activities? Airport pickup?

Can I Change Things?: If the package has something you don't need, can you remove it to save money?

Extra Tips

Coupon Books: Once you arrive, look for local coupon books or apps for additional savings.

Off-Season: You can often get better deals during Hawaii's less busy times.


Set a Limit: Know how much you can spend on the package deal and stick to it.

Hidden Costs: Remember to budget for things that might not be included, like tips or souvenirs.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: Look for deals that include free meals for kids or a free stay in the parents' room.

Teens: Some resorts offer teen activities that might be included in a package deal.

Book Early or Last Minute

Early: Booking well in advance can get you some good deals.

Last Minute: Risky, but sometimes you can snag amazing deals if places are trying to fill up.

Sign Up for Alerts

Emails and Apps: Some travel websites or apps let you set up alerts for when prices drop.

Finding the best deal takes some time and research, but the savings can really add up. Plus, getting a package deal can make planning easier, so you can focus on having fun with your family. So start looking, compare options, and grab that perfect deal for your awesome Hawaii vacation!

Planning a Hawaii vacation for a family with kids of different ages can be a bit tricky, but it's totally doable. Here's how to make an itinerary that will keep everyone happy and entertained.

Know Your Family

Interests: What does everyone like to do? Beach? Hiking? Shopping?

Energy Levels: Some kids have endless energy, while parents and maybe teens might want some downtime.

Basic Framework

Morning Activities: Younger kids are often more active in the morning. Plan accordingly.

Afternoon Rest: A little downtime can help, especially for younger kids or older family members.

Evening Fun: Luaus, dinners, or strolls on the beach can be fun for everyone.

Types of Activities

Outdoor Adventures: Things like snorkeling, hiking, or a day at the beach.

Cultural Activities: Luaus, historical sites, or local crafts can be both fun and educational.

Free Time: Leave some gaps for unexpected adventures or simply relaxing.

Common Concerns

Overbooking: Don't pack too much into one day. You're on vacation, not a marathon!

Budget: Some activities are costly. Make sure to mix in free or low-cost options.

Questions to Ask

Is It Kid-Friendly?: Always check age restrictions or suitability for kids.

What’s the Backup Plan?: What will you do if it rains or an activity is canceled?

Extra Tips

Snack Time: Always have snacks and water handy, especially for little ones.

Map It Out: Knowing the distance between activities can help you plan better.


Pre-Book: Buying tickets for attractions online can sometimes save you money.

Meal Plans: Some places offer meal deals that can save a family a lot.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: Theme parks, animal encounters, or simple beach days are often hits.

Teens: Let them pick an activity or even give them a few hours to explore safely on their own.

Flexibility is Key

Switch It Up: If something’s not working, be willing to change the plan.

Listen: Always check in with the family to make sure everyone is having fun.

Lists and Documents

Itinerary: Have a document that outlines each day. Share it with everyone.

Emergency Contacts: Include a list of local emergency numbers and family contacts.

By planning ahead but also staying flexible, you can create an itinerary that works for everyone. From the little kids to the teens to the adults, everyone can find something they love in Hawaii. So make that plan, but also go with the flow, and enjoy your family time in paradise!

Saving up for a Hawaii vacation with a family and kids of different ages requires some smart planning. Here's how to make your dream vacation happen without breaking the bank.

Start Early

Set a Budget: Know how much the trip will cost. Include flights, hotels, activities, and spending money.

Timeframe: Decide when you want to go and calculate how much you need to save each month.

Make a Savings Plan

Separate Account: Open a separate bank account just for vacation savings.

Automate: Set up automatic transfers from your main account to your vacation account each month.

Get the Family Involved

Kids’ Contributions: Older kids can contribute by doing extra chores for money.

Family Jar: Have a jar where everyone can contribute loose change.

Cut Costs at Home

Dining In: Cut back on dining out and put the money saved into the vacation fund.

Cancel Unused Subscriptions: If you’re not using it, cancel it and save that money.

Common Concerns

Emergencies: What if something urgent comes up and you need the money? Always have a backup plan.

Questions to Ask

What Can We Live Without?: Maybe skip that daily coffee and save the money instead.

How Can We Earn More?: Garage sales, online selling, or a side job can add extra funds.

Extra Tips

Track Spending: There are apps to help you see where your money goes. Use one to find ways to save.

Deals and Coupons: Look for discounts on groceries or clothes and save the difference.


Spreadsheet: Keep a spreadsheet to track your saving progress.

Check-In: Have a family meeting once a month to update everyone on the savings status.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: Use a visual savings chart they can color in as you get closer to your goal.

Teens: They might be able to contribute from part-time jobs.

Use Technology

Price Alerts: Set up alerts for when flight or hotel prices drop.

Coupon Apps: Use apps to find coupons for everyday items and save the difference.


Tax Refund: Consider putting any tax refunds straight into the vacation fund.

Gift Money: Birthdays or holidays? Ask for contributions to the vacation fund instead of gifts.

By involving the whole family and finding creative ways to save, you can accumulate the funds for a fantastic family vacation in Hawaii. Plus, the planning and saving process can be a great lesson in budgeting for everyone!

Booking flights for a Hawaii vacation with a family that has kids of different ages can be a big task. But don't worry, I've got some tips that will help make it easier for you.

Pick the Right Time

Off-Peak: Flights are usually cheaper during the off-season. Just make sure it works with everyone's school schedule.

Mid-Week: Flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays can be cheaper than weekends.

Be Flexible

Dates: If you can move your dates a little, you might find better deals.

Airports: Sometimes flying into a different airport can save you money, even in Hawaii.

Look for Deals

Travel Websites: Use sites like Kayak or Skyscanner to compare prices.

Alerts: Set up email alerts to know when prices drop.

Common Concerns

Layovers: With kids, you might want to avoid long layovers. But short ones can be cheaper.

Baggage Fees: Some low-cost flights may seem cheap but have high baggage fees.

Questions to Ask

What’s Included?: Snacks, meals, baggage? Or is it all extra?

How’s the Seating?: Can you pick your seats in advance to make sure the family sits together?

Extra Tips

Snacks: Pack your own snacks. Airplane food can be costly and not always kid-friendly.

Entertainment: Bring games or download movies to keep kids busy.


Set a Limit: Know your flight budget and stick to it.

Hidden Costs: Watch out for extra fees like choosing seats or in-flight meals.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Infants: Check if the airline offers bassinets, and remember to pack baby essentials in your carry-on.

Young Kids: Keep their favorite toy or blanket handy for comfort.

Teens: They might enjoy having a window seat or being in charge of the in-flight entertainment.

Booking Steps

Search: Start by searching on different travel websites.

Compare: Look at what different airlines offer.

Book: Once you find the right flight, book it! Double-check all the details before you pay.


Confirmation: Make sure you get a confirmation email with all your flight details.

Documents: Make sure everyone’s IDs are up to date. For kids, birth certificates might be needed.

By taking some time to plan and compare options, you can find a flight that works for everyone’s needs and keeps you within budget. That way, you can start your Hawaii family vacation on the right foot!

Booking a Hawaii cruise for a family with kids of different ages is like planning a big adventure at sea! Here's a guide to help you choose the best cruise for everyone.

Pick the Right Cruise Line

Family-Friendly: Some cruise lines are more family-friendly than others. Look for ones with kids’ clubs and family activities.

Reviews: Check out what other families have to say about their experiences.

Decide on the Itinerary

Islands: Which Hawaiian Islands do you want to visit? Each has its own attractions.

Duration: How long do you want to cruise? Shorter might be better for younger kids.

Look for Deals

Early Booking: Booking early often saves money.

Last Minute: Risky, but sometimes you can find amazing last-minute deals.

Common Concerns

Sea Sickness: Make sure to pack some remedies just in case.

Budget: Cruises can be expensive, so know what's included and what's extra.

Questions to Ask

What’s Included?: Are meals, on-board activities, and island excursions part of the package?

Room Arrangements: Can you get adjoining rooms or a family suite?

Extra Tips

Meal Times: Some cruise lines offer flexible dining options that are great for families.

Safety: Make sure kids know the safety rules on the ship.


Set a Limit: Know how much you can spend and stick to it.

Extra Costs: Things like excursions, special meals, or souvenirs can add up.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Toddlers: Look for cruises with toddler play areas or babysitting services.

Teens: Some ships have teen clubs where they can hang out away from the adults.

Booking Steps

Research: Start by looking at different cruise lines and itineraries.

Consult: Talk to a travel agent who specializes in cruises. They often know the best deals.

Book: Once you’ve made your choice, go ahead and book.

Before You Go

Check Documents: Make sure everyone has proper identification.

Packing: Most cruises have dress codes for dinner, so pack accordingly.


Confirm: Make sure you get an email confirmation with all the details of your booking.

Payment: Make sure you understand the payment schedule and cancellation policy.

By taking the time to plan, you can find a Hawaii cruise that offers something for every member of the family, from the little ones to the teens to the adults. Get ready to make some awesome family memories on the high seas!

Booking the perfect place to stay in Hawaii for a family with kids of all ages can be tricky but super important. Here's a guide to help you find the right spot for everyone!

Pick the Right Location

Close to Fun: Look for places near the beach, activities, or other fun stuff.

Safety: Make sure the area is safe, especially if you have young kids.

Type of Accommodation

Hotels: Good for short stays but can be costly for a big family.

Vacation Rentals: More space and a kitchen can be a big help.

Resorts: These often have lots of activities but can be pricey.


Set a Budget: Know how much you can spend on accommodation.

Hidden Fees: Sometimes there are extra fees like resort fees or parking fees.

Common Concerns

Amenities: Does the place have a pool, free breakfast, or Wi-Fi?

Space: Will everyone have enough room?

Questions to Ask

Is it Kid-Friendly?: Does the place have kid-friendly activities or babysitting services?

What's Nearby?: Are there grocery stores or restaurants close by?

Extra Tips

Early Booking: Sometimes you get discounts for booking early.

Off-Season: Prices might be lower if you go during the off-peak season.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: Look for places with cribs and high chairs.

Teens: A hotel or resort with a game room or teen club could be a hit.

Booking Steps

Research: Look at different websites to compare options.

Read Reviews: See what other families thought of the place.

Book: Once you find the right spot, book it and get a confirmation.

Before You Go

Check-in Details: Know when you can check-in and out.

Packing: Some places might have laundry services, so you don’t have to pack as much.


Confirmation: Make sure you get an email with all the details.

Contact Info: Have the contact info of the place in case you have questions or issues.

By taking your time and considering the needs of everyone in the family, you can find the perfect spot to stay in Hawaii. Then you can focus on having fun and making awesome family memories!

Deciding on travel insurance for a Hawaii vacation with a family that has kids of different ages might sound complicated, but it's really important. Here's how to make it easier:

Why Get Insurance?

Emergencies: If someone gets sick or hurt, insurance can help cover the cost.

Cancellations: If you have to cancel the trip, you might get some money back.

What to Look For

Medical Coverage: Make sure it covers medical emergencies, especially for kids.

Trip Cancellation: Look for plans that let you cancel for many reasons.


Compare Prices: Different companies have different prices, so shop around.

What's Included: Make sure you know what you're actually getting for your money.

Common Concerns

Fine Print: Read all the details so you know what's covered and what's not.

Pre-existing Conditions: Some plans won't cover them, so check carefully.

Questions to Ask

Is it Family-Friendly?: Are kids included in the plan or do they need their own?

How Do Claims Work?: If something goes wrong, how do you get your money?

Extra Tips

Shop Early: It's good to get insurance as soon as you book your trip.

Check Your Current Insurance: Sometimes your regular health insurance will cover you.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Babies and Toddlers: Make sure the plan covers things like urgent baby care.

Teens: If they'll be doing adventurous activities, make sure those are covered too.

Buying Steps

Research: Look at different plans online or talk to an insurance agent.

Ask Questions: Before you buy, ask the insurance company any questions you have.

Purchase: Once you find the right plan, you can usually buy it online.


Documents: After you buy, you should get an email or papers that explain everything.

Contact Info: Make sure you know how to reach the insurance company while you're on your trip.

Getting travel insurance can give you peace of mind so you can enjoy your Hawaii vacation. Just make sure to read all the details and pick a plan that's right for your family's needs.

Preparing for a Hawaii vacation departure with kids of different ages can be a lot to handle, but don't stress! Follow these tips and you'll be ready for the adventure in no time.

Packing Tips

Checklist: Make a list of what each family member needs, from clothes to snacks.

Weather Gear: Hawaii is mostly warm, but pack some light jackets just in case.

Kid Gear: Don't forget baby wipes, diapers, or any special stuff for younger kids.

Teen Items: Make sure teens pack their chargers, headphones, and any other gadgets.

Document Checks

Tickets: Print airline tickets or make sure they're ready on your phone.

Identification: Bring IDs for adults and birth certificates for younger kids if needed.

Travel Insurance: Have a copy of your travel insurance policy and contact details.

Home Prep

Pet Care: If you have pets, make sure someone will take care of them.

Home Safety: Lock all doors and windows, and maybe even set light timers for security.

Health Prep

Medications: Pack any necessary medications and first-aid items.

Snacks: Bring healthy snacks for the trip, especially ones your kids like.

Money Matters

Cash and Cards: Bring some cash and make sure credit/debit cards will work in Hawaii.

Budget: Remind everyone how much they can spend so there's no arguing later.

Last-Minute Tips

Confirm Reservations: Double-check all hotel, activity, and car rental bookings.

Timing: Make a schedule for the departure day so you're not running around last minute.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: Pack a small bag of toys and activities to keep them busy.

Teens: Let them be responsible for packing their own entertainment like books or games.

Night Before

Early Night: Try to get a good night’s sleep, so everyone is well-rested.

Bag Check: Make sure all bags are packed and ready to go.

Morning Of

Double-Check: Go through your checklist one last time.

Leave Early: Aim to leave for the airport well before you need to.

Final Check

Phones Charged: Make sure everyone’s phone is fully charged.

House Check: Do a final walk-through of the house to make sure everything is locked and off.

By taking some time to prepare, you can make sure the start of your Hawaii trip is smooth and stress-free. Then, you can focus on having an amazing family vacation!

Packing for a Hawaii vacation with kids of different ages can be a fun but challenging task. Here's how to make sure you pack everything you need.

Basics for Everyone

Clothes: Pack enough outfits for the trip, plus a couple of extra sets just in case.

Swimsuits: Hawaii means beach time, so don't forget these!

Footwear: Sandals for the beach, sneakers for exploring, and nice shoes for dinners out.

For Young Kids

Diapers/Wipes: If you have babies or toddlers, bring enough to last the trip.

Baby Food: Pack some baby food or formula for the little ones.

Toys: A few small toys can make a big difference during travel and downtime.

For Older Kids & Teens

Electronics: Tablets or portable game systems can keep them entertained.

Snacks: Pack some of their favorite snacks for the plane and adventures.

Books: Something to read can be a lifesaver during quiet moments.

Outdoor Gear

Sunscreen: The sun in Hawaii can be strong, so pack plenty.

Hats: Sun hats for everyone to protect against the sun.

Beach Gear: If you have room, small beach toys or snorkel sets can be a hit.

Emergency Kit

First Aid: Basic items like band-aids, pain relievers, and any necessary medications.

Important Info: Write down any important medical info or emergency contacts.

Other Essentials

Chargers: Don't forget chargers for all the electronics.

Backpack: A small backpack can be handy for day trips or hikes.

Camera: You'll want to capture all the fun you're having!

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: Consider a stroller if you'll be doing a lot of walking.

Teens: A journal or GoPro can be a fun way for them to document the trip.

Before Closing the Bags

Check, Then Double-Check: Make sure you didn’t forget anything from your list.

Weight: Check the weight limits for your airline so you don't get hit with fees.

The Night Before

Last-Minute Items: Things like toothbrushes will have to be packed last minute. Make a separate list for these.

Morning Of

Final Add-ins: This is the time to add in the last-minute items like toothbrushes and phone chargers.

By planning ahead and packing wisely, you can make sure you have everything you need for a fun and stress-free family vacation in Hawaii. Happy travels!

Getting to the airport is the first big step of your Hawaii vacation, and doing it with kids of different ages needs some planning. Here's how to make it stress-free and smooth.

Before Leaving the House

Check Traffic: Before you leave, check if there are any delays or accidents on the way to the airport.

Double-Check Bags: Make sure everyone has their bags, including backpacks or small carry-ons for the kids.

When to Leave

Early is Best: Airports can be unpredictable. It's best to leave early to give yourself plenty of time.

Time Cushion: Aim to get to the airport at least 2-3 hours before your flight.

Getting to the Airport

Driving: If you’re driving, make sure you know where to park and how much it'll cost.

Public Transport: If you’re taking a bus or train, know the schedule and where to get off.

Taxi or Ride-Share: If you're getting a ride, confirm your pickup time and location the day before.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: Bring some small toys or snacks to keep them busy during the ride.

Teens: Remind them to keep their phones charged, especially if they’ll be using them to stay busy.

Check-In Time

Mobile Check-In: Use your airline’s app to check-in before you leave for the airport. It's super handy.

Paperwork Ready: Have all tickets and IDs ready to go to make check-in faster.

At the Airport

Drop-Off: If someone is dropping you off, make sure to say your goodbyes quickly so you can head inside.

Skycap Service: If you have a lot of bags or little kids, consider using a skycap service at the airport to help with luggage.

What to Do if Running Late

Call Ahead: Some airlines may hold the flight if they know you're just a few minutes behind.

Priority Security: Some airports offer a fast-track through security for an extra fee.

Extra Tips

Food: If you didn’t eat before leaving, grab some quick food at the airport.

Restrooms: Use the restroom before getting in the security line, especially for kids.

Getting to the airport can be one of the more stressful parts of any trip, but with good planning, it doesn't have to be. Following these steps will help make the start of your Hawaii family vacation as smooth as possible.

Getting to your airport gate can sometimes feel like a mini-adventure, especially with kids of different ages. Here are some tips to make this part of your journey to Hawaii as smooth as possible.

Security Check

Follow Signs: Once inside the airport, follow signs to security.

Family Line: Some airports have a family line for security. Use it if available.

Prepare for Security: Before reaching the conveyor belt, take off belts, jackets, and remove laptops or tablets from bags.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: Explain that they'll have to go through a metal detector and it's like a quick game.

Teens: Remind them to remove any metal items and to listen to security officers.

After Security

Shoes and Belts On: First thing, put your shoes back on and gather all your items.

Restroom Stop: Make a quick stop if needed, especially for younger kids.

Finding the Gate

Check Screens: Airport screens update gate info. Make sure you're still going to the right place.

Ask for Directions: If the airport is big and confusing, don't hesitate to ask someone.

On the Way to the Gate

Snacks and Drinks: Grab water bottles and snacks. Airport food in Hawaii might be more expensive.

Activity Books: Pick up an activity book or magazine for the kids if you forgot to pack one.

Waiting at the Gate

Seating: Try to find seats near the gate so you can hear announcements clearly.

Keep Kids Busy: This is a good time for a snack, coloring, or a short video on a tablet.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: Play a quick game like "I Spy" to pass time.

Teens: They might want to listen to music or read, so make sure they have headphones or a book.

Boarding Time

Listen for Announcements: Pay attention so you don't miss your boarding group.

Documents Ready: Have boarding passes and IDs ready to show as you board.

Final Tips

Stroller and Car Seats: If you have these, know the airline’s policy for checking them at the gate.

Last-minute Restroom: One final bathroom trip before boarding can prevent problems later.

By following these tips, you'll navigate to your gate with ease, setting the tone for a fantastic family vacation in Hawaii. Safe travels!

Flying to Hawaii can take quite a few hours, especially if you're coming from far away. When you're traveling with kids of different ages, keeping everyone happy and comfortable becomes even more important. Here are some tips to make the flight easier for the whole family.

Before the Flight

Board Early: Families often get to board first. Use this time to get settled.

Seat Strategy: If possible, seat younger kids between two adults for easy access and control.

Essentials to Pack in Carry-On

Snacks: Pack a variety of snacks to keep everyone fed and happy.

Entertainment: Tablets, books, or simple games can keep the kids busy.

Headphones: Bring headphones for everyone. Some airlines have special kid-sized ones.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: Bring a favorite small toy or blanket for comfort.

Teens: Make sure they have a phone charger. Airplanes often have USB ports these days.

During the Flight

Meal Times: Use the in-flight meals as a way to break up the trip.

Hydrate: The air in planes is dry. Make sure everyone drinks water regularly.

Keeping Busy

Movie Time: Many flights have movies. Let the kids pick one or two.

Activity Breaks: Every few hours, encourage the kids to do some stretching or quick exercises to keep blood flowing.

Nap Time

Nap Aids: Eye masks and neck pillows can make napping more comfortable.

Quiet Time: Even if they don't sleep, a rest period can help kids recharge.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: A bottle or pacifier can help during takeoff and landing to relieve ear pressure.

Teens: If they want to watch their own movies or shows, make sure they have downloaded them before the flight.


Updates: Let kids know how much longer the flight will be so they have an idea of the timeline.

Safety: Remind kids of all ages about the importance of keeping their seat belts on.

In Case of Discomfort or Sickness

Motion Sickness: If anyone feels queasy, make sure to tell the flight attendants. They can often help.

First Aid: Basic first aid items like band-aids or fever reducers can be lifesavers.

Landing and Arrival

Gather Items: Make sure nothing is left in the seat pockets or under the seats.

Stretch: Once you land and can stand, a good stretch can help everyone feel better.

By planning ahead and packing wisely, your family can have a more comfortable and enjoyable flight to Hawaii. Here's to the start of an amazing vacation!

Arriving at the Hawaii airport is exciting because it means your vacation has officially started! But there are a few things to handle before you can start having fun. Here's how to make it easy, especially when you're with kids of different ages.

Exiting the Plane

Be Patient: It can take time to get off the plane, especially if you have lots of bags and kids in tow.

Check Seats: Before you leave, make sure no toys, phones, or other items are left behind.

Once Off the Plane

Follow Signs: Look for signs pointing to baggage claim, car rentals, or taxis.

Restrooms: Make a quick restroom stop, especially for the little ones.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: If they're tired or cranky, a stroller can be a lifesaver.

Teens: Make sure they know where to meet you if you get separated.

Baggage Claim

Find the Carousel: Check the screens to find out which carousel your bags will be on.

Grab a Cart: Luggage carts make things easier. Some airports provide them for free.

After Getting Bags

Double-Check: Make sure you have all your bags, and check that nothing is missing or damaged.

Snacks & Water: Grab some snacks and water for the trip to your accommodation.


Car Rental: If you've rented a car, follow signs to the rental area.

Taxi or Ride-Share: If you're taking a taxi, they're usually easy to find outside baggage claim.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: Keep them close. Airports can be busy and confusing.

Teens: If they have their own phones, share the address of where you're staying so they can track the route.

Leaving the Airport

Maps or GPS: Know the route to your accommodation. Most taxi drivers know the area, but it's good to have an idea yourself.

Contact Accommodation: If you're going to be late for a check-in, it's polite to let your hotel or rental know.

First Taste of Hawaii

Look Around: Enjoy the scenery on the way to your accommodation. Hawaii is beautiful, so take it all in!

Talk About Plans: This is a good time to talk about what you'll do first after you arrive at your accommodation.

Final Tips

Currency: If you're coming from outside the U.S., you might need to get some U.S. dollars.

Time Zone: Remember, Hawaii has its own time zone. Make sure your watches and phones are set correctly.

Arriving at the Hawaii airport is the first step in your family vacation. By following these tips, you can make it smooth and enjoyable, setting a positive tone for the rest of your trip. Welcome to Hawaii!

Getting from the Hawaii airport to your place to stay is an important part of your trip. You want it to go smoothly, especially when you're with kids of different ages. Here are some tips to make it easier for everyone.

Decide on Transportation Before Arrival

Check Options: Look up what kinds of transportation are available. Is there a bus, taxi, or should you rent a car?

Book in Advance: If you can, book your car rental or airport shuttle ahead of time.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: If you have a car seat for little ones, make sure to bring it or rent one.

Teens: Let them be in charge of some part of the trip, like navigating or keeping track of the luggage.

After Landing

Gather Everyone: Make sure the whole family is together before you leave the airport.

Double-Check: Do a quick check to make sure you didn't forget any bags or items.

Car Rentals

Pick-up Point: Car rental companies sometimes have shuttles that take you to your car.

Check the Car: Look for any damage before you leave and adjust the seats, mirrors, and air conditioning.

Taxis or Ride-Shares

Find the Taxi Stand: At most airports, you'll see a sign for where to get a taxi.

Confirm Price: Before you start the ride, ask how much it will cost to get to your destination.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: They might be tired, so bring a small toy or snack to keep them happy.

Teens: If they're interested, let them ask the driver questions about the area or what to see.

Using a Bus or Shuttle

Know the Stops: If you're using a bus or shuttle, know where it stops and how to signal that you need to get off.

Watch the Time: Buses and shuttles might have schedules, so make sure you don't miss yours.

During the Ride

Enjoy the View: Use this time to look at the beautiful Hawaiian scenery.

Plan Ahead: Talk about what you're going to do once you get to your place.

Arrival at Accommodation

Payment: Pay the driver if you're in a taxi, and don't forget to tip!

Check Everything: Before you leave the car or bus, make sure you have all your belongings.

By planning a little in advance and keeping your family's needs in mind, you can make the trip from the airport to your accommodation easy and fun. Now, let the Hawaii adventure begin!

So you've made it to your accommodation in Hawaii—awesome! Now it's time to check-in and get settled. Here's how to do it smoothly when you have kids of different ages.

Before You Arrive

Check the Time: Know the check-in time so you don't arrive too early.

Have ID Ready: Make sure you have an ID and any reservation info easy to find.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: If they're tired or fussy, have one parent handle check-in while the other keeps them entertained.

Teens: They can help by pulling luggage or even checking in if you’re comfortable with it.

Entering the Lobby

Look for Signs: There's usually a big sign that says "Check-In."

Line Up: Sometimes there's a line, so you may have to wait your turn.

At the Check-In Desk

Provide ID & Reservation Info: The person at the desk will ask for this.

Ask Questions: This is a good time to ask about Wi-Fi, breakfast times, and any activities.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: Give them a small task, like holding a room key card, so they feel involved.

Teens: They might want to know the Wi-Fi password right away!

After Check-In

Find Your Room: The staff will usually tell you how to get to your room.

Elevators & Stairs: Decide what's easier if you have the choice. Elevators can be quicker but might be crowded.

Entering Your Room

Room Inspection: Quickly check that everything's OK—like the TV, toilet, and beds.

Unpack Essentials: Take out anything you'll need right away, like swimsuits or chargers.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: Get them settled with a toy or show on the TV.

Teens: Make sure they know any ground rules about using the phone, TV, or mini-bar.

Plan the Next Steps

What’s Next?: Are you going to rest, swim, or explore? Decide as a family.

Gather Supplies: If you're going out again, make sure you have everything like sunscreen, water, and snacks.

Final Thoughts

Room Service: If you're too tired to go out, that’s what room service is for!

Safety: Always know where the nearest exit is in case of emergency.

By taking a few minutes to check in properly and make sure everyone's happy, you can start your Hawaii vacation on the right foot. Enjoy your time in paradise!

Yay, you've made it to Hawaii and had a good night's sleep! Starting your first full day in Hawaii should be fun and exciting. Here's how to kick it off right when you have kids of different ages.

Morning Meetup

Wake-Up Time: Decide on a wake-up time that works for everyone.

Family Meeting: Talk about what everyone wants to do today.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: They wake up early anyway, so maybe let them watch a morning cartoon while everyone else wakes up.

Teens: They might want to sleep in, so maybe plan something they'd like for the afternoon.


Check Options: Does your place have free breakfast? Or would you rather go out?

Healthy Start: Try to have at least one healthy thing, like fruit.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: Keep it simple with stuff like cereal or pancakes.

Teens: Maybe let them choose a nearby café or bakery.

Get Ready to Go

Pack a Bag: Put in essentials like sunscreen, hats, and water bottles.

Dress Right: Wear comfy clothes and good shoes for walking.

First Adventure

Start Small: Maybe don't plan the longest or hardest activity on the first day.

Take Photos: Capture the first moments of your vacation!

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: Pick something they can easily do, like a short hike or a beach close by.

Teens: Let them help choose the first adventure or be in charge of the map.

Lunch Time

Picnic or Restaurant: Decide based on what you're doing and what's easier.

Rest: Especially if you’re feeling jet-lagged, take some time to rest before the next activity.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: They might need a nap, so plan for that.

Teens: Maybe let them pick the lunch spot or even go off to eat somewhere by themselves (if it’s safe and you’re okay with it).

Afternoon Fun

Next Activity: Maybe something more relaxing like swimming or a visit to a museum.

Snack Time: Have some local treats, like shaved ice or fresh fruit.

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: Maybe something where they can be more hands-on or active.

Teens: If they’re interested, perhaps something cultural or historic.

Evening Plans

Dinner: First nights are special, so maybe pick a nicer place for dinner.

Sunset Watch: Hawaii has amazing sunsets, so try to catch one!

Special Tips for Different Ages

Young Kids: They might be tired, so an early dinner could be a good idea.

Teens: They might enjoy a beach bonfire or a teen-friendly event if available.

By planning but also being flexible, you can make sure your first day in Hawaii is fun for everyone, no matter their age. Have a great time in paradise!

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